[TRUMP] Why Does He Get to Do What He Does (Commentary)
[TRUMP] Why Does He Get to Do What He Does (Commentary) avatar

I remember when I was growing up, and we had our parents as “guides and role models” to teach us things like the differences between a LIE and the TRUTH, the difference between RIGHT and WRONG, and they told us that the LAW was meant to PROTECT us from the bad people in the world. We were also taught that the LAW applies to EVERYONE!!  It did NOT matter what…

Mayor warns Facebook vigilante posts risky (April 8, 2016: VIA Times Argus)
Mayor warns Facebook vigilante posts risky (April 8, 2016: VIA Times Argus) avatar

BARRE — Every now and then a concerned citizen or group of citizens attempts to bring attention to a social issue by taking the law into their own hands, in the form of threats or public shaming. Barre Mayor Thomas Lauzon said in an interview Thursday that he has seen this, and it often takes shape on Facebook. “If I had to pay a dollar every time I read something…