Buddy HYPHEN Baker DOT US, (Hereafter BBUS or bbus) has been a dream of mine since about 2003 or 2004.

I guess you could say that the dream started in 1998, when I built my first website as a member of Tallahassee Freenet.  Since then, I have been working on bettering myself and making this dream come true.  I obtained the domain name in 2008. and have been working stedily towards bringing the server and website online. in 2010, I added the WordPress blog that you see here, and I have been working on restoring the system as necessary – BBUS had been down for an extended period in 2008 and 2009,  so with help of Dan Thompson of Technology Connection, I was able to get a newer server, and begin the process of installing and configuring the new server in late 2010.  As of the date of this posting, it appears that all is well, although I believe that I may have to perform some system maintainence tasks in the next few months.

I would like to thank Dan for all of his help pateience and technical skills – Because of him, and a few other special individuals BBUS is a realiity,

I look forward to the future and what it will bring – I hope to be able to update the main site a little, as well as add more to this blog on a more regular basis.  I would especially like to acknowledge my mom, Rachael, and thank her for her patience and understanding as I work to better the site, and for her assistance with proofreading.  Also, a special shout out to Jeff Weisbein, A.K.A Besttechie, for his assistance with Configurations and other administrative task assistance.  His support has been invaluable and I cannot thank him enough for his help.

Thank You to Everyone who has been a help to me over the years – You are all awesome 🙂



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