Maintenance Window Rescheduled: July 22-August 15 (rolling updates)
Maintenance Window Rescheduled:  July 22-August 15 (rolling updates) avatar

UPDATE:  Buddy will be performing Maintenance on Cardinal to correct the things listed below.  The original scheduled Maintenance Window was not feasible, so he will be doing as much as he can between July 24 – August 15 Time Permitting.  ~Buddy Buddy will be doing maintenance on Cardinal to be sure we are all updated on July 22, 2016 and July 24, 2016.   Also, I plan on doing the following…

One Wrong Click Could Get you Windows 10………
One Wrong Click Could Get you Windows 10……… avatar

One wrong click could get you Windows 10 — whether you want it or not By Matt Weinberger 14 hours ago Microsoft’s aggressive campaign to get users to download and install the new Windows 10 operating system appears to be accelerating. Users on Windows 7 and 8.1 are getting pop-up windows, announcing that “Windows 10 is a Recommended Update for this PC,” alongside a time when it plans to do…

Backups for End of Month Scheduled
Backups for End of Month Scheduled avatar

BBUS WordPress and DATABASE BACKUPS: UPDATE:  (5/23/2016 @11:03):  Buddy has completed the backup of the WordPress Blogs V1 and V2.  He has also taken a Complete Database Backup of all System Databases.  This is the first time we have taken Database Backups since Cardinal went online in late February 2016.  All Databases have been backed up, and are archived for future use or in case of system issues.  V1 of the blog has also…

SERVICES UPDATE: APACHE2  SSH and SFTP (5/15/2016) avatar

Good Afternoon All: Just a quick update to let everyone know that as it stands now, SSH and SFTP seems to work well, without any problems, and as such, I have updated the status 0f these services to GREEN.  I have also enabled the user directories for web pages in Apache 2, and have restarted the web server. For Now, we will be in a testing mode until we can…

BBUS Maintenance Window Schedule for May 2016
BBUS Maintenance Window Schedule for May 2016 avatar

UPCOMING MAINTENANCE: BBUS Backups will be scheduled for the following Dates: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 (Beginning at 09:00 EDT) -Partial Backup: ======================== /var/www/html (full directory) /home (full directory) /home2 (full directory) /etc (full directory) BBUS Blog V2 (/var/www/html/blog) BBUS Blog V1 (/Var/www/html/blogold) XML Backup of posts and comments for both systems MySQL databases WordPress Updates to Plugins DropBox Full backup of WordPress directories ========================================= Wednesday, May 27, 2016 (Beginning at…

Flash: Adobe issues emergency update after ransomware attacks (VIA YAHOO)
Flash: Adobe issues emergency update after ransomware attacks (VIA YAHOO) avatar

Check your Web browser is running the latest version of Flash. And do it now. Adobe has issued a global alert to computer users around the world warning of a serious security flaw that leaves machines open to ransomware attacks. The company is urging all users to update to the most recent version of the software, which it rolled out Thursday, as soon as possible. Ransomware locks a user out of their machine…

NEW BLOG REGISTRATIONS:   4/6/2016: OFF) avatar

SERVICE ALERT:  BBUS BLOG REGISTRATIONS This weekend, (4/3/16) I received an email from a user that I thought was a spammer, that signed up for an account for the blogging system.  the domain was – in response to this, I have disabled new user registrations for blog services for the short term, until I can get a domain-level block tool to get rid of spamming registrations.    ( is…