BBUS Update List (February 11, 2018)
BBUS Update List (February 11, 2018) avatar


Good Morning:

The Following Projects are either being considered for the Website Network, In Process, In Progress or are Completed:

Root Domain Maintenance:  BBUS has been running for  a while, and has been lacking a way for my visitors to seamlessly interact with the DOT US and DOT COM websites.  This is because the root directories of these sites did not have an index file within them.  If and when someone  would go there, they would see a BLANK directory listing, with NOTHING there at all – Maintenance was performed during the Christmas Holidays to forward users of DOT COM and DOT US to the main pages of these sites.  We have also cleaned up our config files for all of the sites on our network, so that each site has its OWN file, and can be independently edited or managed, without disruption to the users of the websites.  [COMPLETED 12/23/17]

Facebook Page for the Thrift Store:  This project has been considered and will be in process by early March.  The Trinity Community Thrift Store needs to have a Facebook Presence, just like BBUS does.  This way, we can alert our customers who use Facebook about our sales, and specials and other information.  [IN PROCESS]

Store Website:  I have been working on this project since early in 2017.  We have continued to work on this project through the last year, and have every intention of having the website up by Fall of 2018 – This will depend on the amount of time we can to the project, and we also must decide what content we want there.  This is a WordPress Site, so all we need now is the content, and some work behind the scenes on the website.  Stay Tuned! [IN PROGRESS – 2/11/18]



Maintenance Updates

MyBB (BBUS Forums):  The BBUS Forums have been on and offline for the past couple of days.  We had to redesign, rebuild and redeploy the forums after a database was restored in error, which was NOT the right database.  Over the last 2 days, I have redesigned the forums, recreated the Forum Databases and have backed up the Database as of yesterday to avoid having any problems with the process.  At this Time, the Forums are in Maintenance Mode. [In Progress – 2/10/18]

WordPress Installs Upgrades:  I have downloaded and upgraded the WordPress Version and the Plugins that the system has called for.  I will be checking all domains to be sure we have all of the plugins and WordPress Installs as current as possible.  [Completed: [2/1/2018]

WordPress XML Backups: The Blogs and website content for all domains in wordpress will be backed up as well as the databases for all domains.  This insures that in addition to the database(s), the CONTENT of the website is also backed up [To Be Completed by 2/28/18]

MYSQL Database Backups:  I will be backing up all databases system-wide, and will be making sure to keep them as updated as possible.  The problem with these databases, is that you have to be careful what you backup, and you have to KNOW what you have backed up, so that you can RESTORE them quickly if needed.  Depending on what you use the Database for, you have to also know WHERE these things live in the filesystem. [IN PROGRESS – 2/11/18]

DROPBOX Backups:  This will be done following the WordPress  Install, XML and SQL Database backup.  This way, we will have the sites backed up, and can restore them easily. [IN PROCESS – To Complete by 2/28/18]

Pruning:  We have several backups on the system since we restarted her in 2016 – what we will do is to make sure that the most current, up to date backups in all important directories [var/, /etc/,  /home, /home2/,  /home3, etc] and the most current FULL working backup and the next most current working backups are available.  Everything else can be deleted, saving us drive space.  [COMPLETED: – 5/21/18]

DOMAIN CERTIFICATES: These have been renewed as they will expire in a few days – I have to renew them for https (TLS) to work properly on all domains. [COMPLETED: 2/20/2018]

Thank You for your patience, as we continue to make the Network a Better Place for All!


System Admin: BBWN