Good Afternoon All:
WEBMIN: Apparently, there was some sort of snafu with the last set of updates that were applied to cardinal today. It told me that the version of Webmin we use was updated from 1.811 to 1.810. This being the case, there apparently is an error in the version numbers that caused me to believe that this was an UPGRADE – It indeed does not look like an update to 1.810, as they may have made a mistake with the version number. To be sure, I uninstalled and reinstalled the debian package file, and restarted the server to allow for cardinal and the network to be able to work with this application. I also reinstated the logins for all of my admins.
WORDPRESS AND OTHER UPGRADES: I have also upgraded the version of WordPress, and all of its associated plugins. I also updated the available themes, although the current one is the one that we use. Updates to the databases were also completed, and other updates were applied to some of the base-system files. BBUS V1 has also been updated and upgraded to the new version.
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: I know that it has been a LONG time since I did a YouTube video for the YouTube Channel. I have not really done any videos since sometime in January or February, and the only ones I have posted would be Twitch dot TV Live gameplay. I will most likely do a video soon, as I want to be able to use the YouTube Plugin to show some videos in the Blog, via Inline embedding.
BACKUPS: These will be completed sometime between 8/27 and 9/10 – I have to make sure that we can back these off the server and keep a good backup of these files, as they are necessary to keep the system up to date. I have yet to decide what I will backup, but will make this decision as soon as I am able to look at the files we have backed up.
ORLANDO TRIP 2016: As some of you know, I took a trip to Orlando, Florida this June. I have a lot of pictures that I will be uploading to the media folders on BBUS V2. Once I do this, I will open the page that I created for this purpose, which will allow me to post them – I will also do a narrative of the pictures if needed.
SYSTEM STATUS: Everything is working OK for now – soon, and I PROMISE, very soon, I will be editing the front end of BBUS to allow for users to be able to download files that may be useful for everyone. SFTP is a small problem, but given enough time, I should be able to fix the problems we have been having – I think that there is a file or directory permission problem that needs to be addressed for this.
That’s all for now 😉
System Administrator
Buddy Hyphen Baker DOT us