VNC Server Maintenance Scheduled: 4/19/2016
VNC Server Maintenance Scheduled: 4/19/2016 avatar

(UPDATE:  (4/19/2016 @15:16):  I have done a few updates to the system.  I had to install a couple of desktop environments, and I had to edit a couple files.  Then, I proceeded to update our compilers and some Perl Modules that were not installed inside webmin. 

Right Now, I have successfully connected to cardinal’s VNC server on Display 9.  I will also attempt to connect a root desktop as well, and this will allow me to administer the server quite well.  As Far as SFTP and SSH, I will have to have Jon or Jeff take a look to see if I have done something wrong, as I cannot connect as a member of the sftponly group.)


Sometime tomorrow, Buddy will be making an attempt to make repairs to VNC Server. For us admins, or users that prefer the Desktop Environment, it has been impossible to fully Launch the Desktop using **any version** of VNC, because of the incompatibilities with Gnome 3 and Cinnamon Desktop Environment.


(VNC allows for remote connection to a server desktop – I will have to change the Desktop Environment so that it will work correctly, and then apply the proposed fix instructions I received from VNC Support. If this works, I will post this so that I do NOT forget this, as there is NO place where this information seems to exist, and it is confusing with all these fixes that do not work)


I now have a fix that I can try: This will allow Buddy or his admins or users to have a GUI environment if they so choose. I want to be able to issue Linux maintenence tasks from a GUI, because it may be necessary to do admin functions from the server desktop. Once I get the files created and edited, I will KILL off all sessions of active VNC, and restart them. With luck, I SHOULD have a desktop for my linux account, and one for BBUS Root Services.

No downtime is expected – This, if done right may take about an hour.


System Admin

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