Good Evening:
BLOG UPDATES: (V2.0): I just wanted to let my users and readers know that BBUS Blog V2.0 has been updated to include the current list of Admins, Consultants, Webpage and Blog Editors, and BBUS Forum moderators. I have also updated and consolidated the BBUS Links Page, and converted the old HTML version to an updated WordPress version of the same page. As we move forward, I will be making subtle changes to the blog, adding content that will update some of the older content online, and will most likely use the front page of BBUS as a download center and basic information page. That way, users can download needed files, set them up and then connect to BBUS to complete tasks as necessary.
SFTP: One of my ideas is to allow a SFTP group of users who ONLY will be able to login to the SFTP server. They will NOT have any other rights on the server, other than to download or upload files in their directories. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is not secure, so I want to move to S(ecure)FTP – The difference is that FTP traffic is NOT encrypted, while SFTP uses the same encryption as an SSH session. I will be attempting to make this work over the next month or so, and will keep everyone updated as we progress forward
BLOG BACKUPS: These backups are occurring about 2-3 times a day, and each time one is completed, the wordpress system on Cardinal will email me to let me know that it has been completed. These backups are working well, and the next thing I have to do is to set up a cron job that will backup the /home, /home2, /var/www/html, /var/www/html/blog, /var/www/html/blogold and the /etc directories. I can also take an export of the info in the blog as an XML file, and that will save the content (posts, comments, etc) of the blogs.
BLOG CATEGORIES: We are getting closer to completion on the updates to the V2.0 Blog, I have to add the categories to the blog, so that the postings show up in their assigned categories. Right Now, BBUS Blog V2.0 is only posting information into “Uncategorized.” Once I set up categories that are needed, I can move the postings that have landed in Uncategorized to the proper category.
USER ACCOUNT CREATIONS: All accounts that have been either granted or requested by friends and/or family members have been created. These accounts will live in /home2/username, as this is the BIG Drive on Cardinal. If a user is having difficulties with their account, please shoot me an email and let me know, and we can help you figure out what is going on.
Updates will be upcoming in the next 4 Days
System Admin