Buddy can be reached at the following address: brian AT buddy hyphen Baker DOT US. If you are having difficulties with your account on BBUS, this is the quickest way to get assistance. Please allow at LEAST 48 HOURS for me to respond. Please try to describe your problem in as much detail as possible, so that my Co-admins and I can troubleshoot the issue.
The Most Requested thing I think my userbase will ask for is how to change your password. Below, I give instructions on how to do that, and also when you DO NOT know the password. Please note that password changes may take 24-48 hours to be completed. However, I may be able to change a forgotten password earlier than that, depending on whether I am online and available to do the change.
You KNOW the password: if you know your current login password, you can login to the shell and issue the command ‘passwd’ (without quotes). When you do this, the system will ask you to enter your current password, then the system will ask you to give a new password: You will enter this TWICE. The Password that you choose should NOT be based on your name, address, phone number SS or DL #, or any other numbers that personally identify you – This is because if you use a password that is based on names, addresses, phone numbers, or other personal information, someone could easily find out what it is, and possibly access your account without your permission. A good password should comtain 6-8 characters, a Capital letter, a Number, a Lowercase Letter, and a special character or two. What I advise is that a password be based on something memorable, and then made into a sillly sentence, using the first letters of each word:
(Example: The Sun is shining brite8@! would become TSisb8@! – DO NOT use this password: Use one of your own)
Right Now, the only way to change a password that you do NOT know is to email me directly. If I get an email with a request like this: I will reset your password, and send you back a response telling you that the password change request has been filled. WordPress Users can now change their account passwords from the WordPress Login Screen. V2 and V1 of the Blog system will have this capability as soon as possible.
Thank You!
Brian S. “Buddy” Baker, System Administrator